Monday, May 14, 2012

Maryland Green Centers -Valuable Environmental Partners

MAEOE is pleased to announce the certification of two new Maryland Green Centers: The SERT Program of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), and Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary in Anne Arundel County. MAEOE also recertified four Green Centers: The Anita C. Leight Estuary Center (Harford), Environmental Concern (Talbot), MCPS’s Outdoor Environmental Education Program (Montgomery), and Howard County Conservancy (Howard). Across the state, 34 Green Centers offer support to schools working toward certification as Maryland Green Schools. Green Center staff and volunteers provide environmental education programs, teacher professional development, model environmental best practices, and act as community partners assisting schools in fulfilling the requirements of Maryland Green School certification. “All the Green Centers bring expertise, knowledge, and support to schools, providing a variety of programs for schools. The SERT Program is a model of integrating school staff and students into facilities and waste management in the state’s largest school system. The Program teaches schools how to save energy, produce less waste, and restore habitats. Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary’s programs allow students to learn about watersheds, water pollution in Classrooms in the Field Investigations.” notes Joanne Schmader, MAEOE’s Maryland Green School Coordinator. “We are pleased to recognize all the great work of the recertifying Centers, serving thousands of Maryland students, and their families.” MAEOE will celebrate with Green Schools, Green Centers and schools that are interested in knowing more about the program at the Maryland Green School Youth Summit on June 1, 2012, at Sandy Point State Park in Annapolis. The event is free and open to all Maryland Schools. Registration is at

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

MAEOE Certifies 101 Schools as MD Green Schools in 2012!

It’s official, 20% of the schools in Maryland have been certified in the life of the program! In 2012, MAEOE received 122 applications from schools that ranged from their first certification through 14 years as a certified MAEOE Green School. Of the 122 applications, 101 were certified with 56 new schools, 19 1st recertification’s after 4 years, 15 2nd recertification’s after 8 years, 11 model schools after 14 years. Many thanks to the Maryland Green Centers, Maryland Green School Leaders and MAEOE's Spring Interns for their application assistance.